First Step Pediatric Therapy

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Tummy Time Tips

One of the first exercises that a PT might start with for treating torticollis is incorporating more tummy time, which can help with strengthening baby’s neck, trunk, and shoulders, and can help stretch out some of the tightness that goes along with torticollis. It can also help prevent the formation or decrease the progression of a flat spot (plagiocephaly).

It is generally recommended that little ones get at least an hour total of tummy time each day, but tummy time can be more challenging for some little ones than others. 

Here are some of my favorite tips: 

  1. Tummy time doesn’t have to be on the floor! Little ones can lay on your chest, on your lap, or on a sibling and still get all the same benefits.

  2. Get down on their level. Babies are most motivated by you! Get down on the floor with them and play face to face. You can also get siblings to help! 

  3. Find some really fun toys. Toys that are motivating for your little one can really help make tummy time more enjoyable! I love using mirrors, musical toys, and plastic bead necklaces. Tummy time inflatable water mats can also be really helpful! 

  4. Try putting some gentle downward pressure on their hips or place a towel roll under their chest. This will help move their center of gravity towards hips, making it easier for them to lift their head! 

  5. Start out with short bursts. If tummy time isn’t your little one’s favorite position, start out with short bursts and gradually work your way up. Tie tummy time into a routine, such as after a diaper change, so your little one knows when to expect it, and avoid doing tummy time right after feeding. 

Does your little one struggle with tummy time? We’d be happy to help problem solve ideas to support you and your family.